and experience
50 years of passion
for work
Experience, quality, innovation, and creativity are the ingredients which have always made Agostinelli Srl stand out in the market. The company’s production highlights its 50-year experience and its creative potential in the realm of sheet metal machining. All steps of the manufacturing process are entirely made in Italy and compliant to EU regulations, guaranteeing high quality standards.
Agostinelli: Metal machining
State-of-the-art tools and technologies
Technical Office
From an idea to its implementation
Starting from a single idea, our Technical Office can create technical drawings and draftings for the material production. The Design Office constantly supports the customer even during the prototyping phase, which is a key moment for the creation of a winning product.

Working areas



Street furniture

Refrigeration and heating systems

Display units

Household appliances

Wine-making accessories

Industrial machinery


Bike accessories